Stepping Beyond Comfort: My Journey with the Amal Career Fellowship
Embarking on the Amal Career Fellowship was a personal choice that I made, driven solely by my own conviction. Initially, I hesitated, contemplating the idea of attending online sessions. As someone who prefers the comfort of my own space and often relies on online platforms even for shopping, stepping out and facing new challenges seemed daunting. But there was a shift within me, a determination to break free from my comfort zone, and I took the leap to participate in in-person sessions.
Although I regrettably missed the first session due to a university educational trip, I remained resolute in my commitment to the fellowship. I made it a point to attend the subsequent session, eager to make the most of this transformative opportunity. While numerous noteworthy events unfolded throughout the program, there is one particular experience that stands out as truly profound.
Creating a Life Map: Unveiling the Past for a Better Future
“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.” — Steve Jobs
Looking into our past experiences helps us understand why things unfolded the way they did and how those events have shaped our lives.
For me, the most impactful aspect of the Amal Fellowship was the process of creating a life map. It allowed me to trace my journey from the small city where I grew up, surrounded by loved ones, to the leadership endeavors and travels I undertook with my peers and colleagues. This life map served as a powerful storytelling strategy, enabling me to develop a deep sense of self-awareness and recognize my purpose. It unveiled various facets of my personality, providing clarity on the professional path I aspire to tread without wasting time on figuring out which job or career to pursue.
Deepening Reflections and Establishing Connections
“We are like islands in the sea, separate on the surface but connected in the deep.” –William James
- Create and Achieve Goals: Unveiling Motivations
The life map helped me uncover the motivations behind my goals, igniting a newfound enthusiasm to achieve them. Often, we set goals but lack the necessary motivation or courage to follow through.
Through the life mapping process, I experienced numerous “aha” moments and breakthroughs that left me astounded at how unaware I had been of certain aspects of myself. It revealed patterns in my life that were hindering my progress toward my goals.
2. Enhance Decision-Making Confidence: Revisiting the Past
By delving into my past and understanding the journey that led me to where I am today, I rediscovered the significance of moments in my life that I had previously overlooked. Every experience, event, and person played a role in shaping my path. Reflecting on my life’s timeline, I found myself reconnecting with a part of myself that I had left behind along the way, ultimately redirecting me towards new horizons.
As I spent time examining my life, I couldn’t ignore the roadblocks and challenges I encountered. However, with a heightened sense of self-awareness and purpose, my relationships, job satisfaction, and overall contentment reached new heights.
Nurturing Care: The Role of Fellows in the Journey
“Our lives are shaped by our interactions with others. Whether we have a long conversation with a friend or simply place an order at a restaurant, every interaction makes a difference.” — Donald O. Clifton
After constructing our life maps, we, the fellows, gathered in a circle to share our life stories and grievances. Initially, I felt uncomfortable opening up and revealing my vulnerabilities, reminiscent of the scenes from movies where individuals share their struggles at rehabilitation clinics. However, the compassion and attentiveness of my fellow participants humbled me. At various moments, as I recounted my journey, I felt my voice catch in my throat, and tears welled up in multiple pairs of eyes.
To my surprise, this activity went beyond what I had anticipated. One by one, my fellow participants began sharing their deeply personal life experiences and the hardships they had endured. It was an extraordinary experience that fostered a sense of unity and empathy among us.
Reflecting on the Past: The Desire for Time Travel
If given the opportunity, I would turn back the hands of time and enroll in the Amal Academy during the summer. While I gave my all to the fellowship, my exams presented challenges that prevented me from fully immersing myself in the experience. Nevertheless, I am immensely grateful to the Amal Fellowship for supporting me in reaching my potential. Their commitment to identifying areas for improvement and providing feedback at every stage was truly commendable. Through this program, I discovered leadership traits and capabilities within myself that I had previously overlooked.
In Conclusion
Having benefitted from the Amal Fellowship, I have taken it upon myself to assist undergraduate students in developing their employability skills and integrating the valuable lessons I learned from Amal. Lastly, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Amal and Sir Benje Williams for creating the Amal Platform. Your contributions to the youth of Pakistan will always be remembered.